Le forum de TAM, Gol, Azul...
Messages : 15929
Enregistré le : mer. 1 oct. 2008, 12:13
Localisation : PARIS


Message par AVION »

La Cie envisage de réutiliser la marque Varig sur l'International avec l'arrivée des 787

http://www.istoe.com.br/assuntos/brasil ... ADO+DA+GOL" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Messages : 1080
Enregistré le : sam. 19 mars 2011, 18:14
Localisation : Cergy St Christophe


Message par UY707 »

et rachète sa compatriote Webjet. Dans l'immédiat, cela s'accopmpaghnera par le retour temporaire du bon vieux 737-300 dans la flotte ....

Brazilian airline Gol has been given the green light for its purchase of low-cost carrier Webjet by the country's civil aviation administration ANAC.
Shortly after the deal was signed on 8 July, the agreement was forwarded to ANAC and other government agencies for final approval. ANAC's go-ahead is conditional on similar approvals from Brazil's securities exchange commission (CVM) and the CADE - a justice ministry agency that oversees large-scale financial transactions.
The deal originally was valued at $181.9 million - of which $56.5 million will be paid by Gol, while the remaining $125.4 million represents Webjet's debts that Gol will take on - but this may be adjusted depending on the CVM's technical and legal audit of Webjet's current financial state.
Recent statements made by Gol chief executive Constantino de Oliveira Junior indicate that Webjet will cease its operations if the CVM and CADE give their approval, with its fleet and staff being absorbed into Gol.
Currently Gol has a 35.4% share of the Brazilian domestic market, while Webjet has 5.16%. In comparison, Brazil's leading carrier, TAM, has a 44.4% market share.
Roughly 1,050 daily flights are performed by Gol and Webjet, although that number is expected to drop following the takeover.
The 24 Boeing 737-300s currently operated by Webjet will be absorbed into Gol's fleet, but sources indicate that these will be returned to lessors as contracts expire.
Messages : 1080
Enregistré le : sam. 19 mars 2011, 18:14
Localisation : Cergy St Christophe

On reste sur le 737

Message par UY707 »

Brazilian budget carrier Gol has placed an order for 60 Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft, to be delivered from 2018.

The new aircraft will help the airline renew its fleet, says the carrier, which adds that it will be the South American launch customer for the 737 Max. Gol is an all-737 operator.

"The decision to order the Boeing 737 Max is in line with our commitment to maintaining a modern and safe fleet that will allow us to sustain our competitive advantage in the future," says Gol chief executive Paulo Kakinoff. "The new aircraft will have one of the best cost-benefit ratios in the market due to its unique operational economy, so it is also fully compatible with our low-cost model."

Noting its relationship with Boeing, the airline says it is working with the airframer to launch a 737 Max short field performance aircraft. The airline had previously worked with Boeing to develop a 737-800NG to operate on short runways, and received the first of that aircraft type in 2006.

Gol operates 100 737s, comprising the -700 and -800 variants, Flightglobal's Ascend Online database shows. It holds orders for 92 additional 737-800s.

http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articl ... =editorial" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Messages : 250
Enregistré le : sam. 19 août 2023, 13:08
Localisation : Paris


Message par Julien »

GOL sous la protection du Chapitre 11
https://www.journal-aviation.com/actual ... 58145.html

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