Aéroport de Lahr (EDTL/LHA)

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Enregistré le : dim. 9 nov. 2008, 20:12

Aéroport de Lahr (EDTL/LHA)

Message par Lolodesbois »

LA plateforme serait en cours de reprise par les chinois pour 200 millions d'euros (pleine propriété à ce que je comprends) pour l'intégrer au réseau "New Silk Road"

https://www.lahrer-zeitung.de/inhalt.la ... 287ff.html
investors: Chinese want the airport
Jörg Braun and Stefan Maier , 20.08.2019 - 22:00

Lahr - Chinese investors are very interested in buying the Lahrer airfield. According to information from the Lahr newspaper, there are already discussions and a concrete offer: 200 million euros to bring the airfield. And more flights.

While the mayoral election campaign is still lapping and the five candidates worry about minor worries and distress in the villages, clubs and social institutions and rattle them off at visits, a gigantic deal is cooking behind the scenes that will shape the city's long-term future could fundamentally change. A trade that would make the city rich in one fell swoop, but from today's perspective would have unpredictable consequences. A trade that very few in the city are aware of and is allegedly being kept under cover during the Mayor's election campaign.

What is known?

Officially nothing. The deal is top priority in Lahr and is on OB Wolfgang G. Müller's desk. Only very few players are initiated and they have been holding tight so far.

What does the Lahr Town Council know?

In the local council, the topic was not yet, at least not public. But even unofficially, the council members were not informed about the plans. Behind the scenes of the committee, however, is already whispered powerful and looking for information. However, the local politicians do not seem to know much yet.

What is planned?

Our editors learned from secure sources during the research for this secret project: It is about the airfield, which is urban terrain. Chinese investors are keen to buy it and integrate it into their "New Silk Road" mega-project, a half-world infrastructure project for optimal trade routes from China to Europe and other continents.

How much is it?

As our editors learned, should be called 200 million euros for the airport area. This offer is specifically in the room. For the large area of ​​the runway, the technology around it and other areas of the area.

What would that mean?

Lahr would suddenly be rich and debt free with 200 million proceeds. The city currently has to make do with a 160 million household, from tax revenues.

What do the Chinese want?

The infrastructure of the airfield, for cargo and passenger flights. In addition, room for possible hotels to accommodate new passengers in Lahr.


In Lahr, following a Chinese takeover, large aircraft could suddenly start and land regularly. With airfreight made in China, which is being redistributed by the logistics hub Lahr. And on the return flight, the airmen could transport food such as fruit and vegetables to China. The new rich in the land of the middle are hungry for European food.

And tourists?

They should also come via a new China base Lahr. Attractions: the Black Forest and Alsace - and certainly also the Europa-Park with its new giant swimming pool. The first figures that leak out are astonishing: with several million tourists a year from the Far East at Lahr Airport.

So more traffic?

Pretty sure. It is well known that the new freight transport center (GVZ) is to be built right next to the airfield. Planning under the leadership of StartkLahr (IGZ) is underway, investors are being sought. In a few years, trucks will be loaded and unloaded there after the expansion of the Rhine Valley Railway and motorway. Lahr would become a huge logistics hub for road, rail and airfreight.

Is the airfield intact?

Yes, the operation is running. Even if the runway is several decades old, it lasts for quite a while, experts are sure. Everything is maintained regularly. But in the foreseeable future certainly millions of renovations are on. But the city has little money left for that.

What is the city's attitude towards Chinese investment?

Basically more than open. OB Müller is a big fan of China and has traveled to Riesenland several times with Lahrer delegations to promote Lahr there. He was the godfather of his own China office in Lahr. On his homepage Müller advertises offensively for the "outstanding location" and Lahr's potential in the project of the worldwide controversial "New Silk Road". The Lahr China office claims to "help the city of Lahr become a hub" of this traffic and trade project of the Chinese. Only three years ago, on a China promotional tour of the OB, had this expressly stated that a sale of the airfield is not intended. That has changed now.
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Messages : 1204
Enregistré le : dim. 9 nov. 2008, 20:12

Re: Aéroport de Lahr (EDTL/LHA)

Message par Lolodesbois »

Et un projet contradictoire de plateforme test de drones électriques .....

https://www.lahrer-zeitung.de/inhalt.la ... c549b.html
Lahr airfield: soon E-fliers land
Jörg Braun , 24.07.2019 - 19:34

This is the first flight taxis that will soon be tested at the Lahrer airfield. (Photo: Jörg Braun)
Lahr / Stuttgart - The dream of autonomous flying without pilots with taxis and drones is supposed to come true at the Lahr airfield. The country is providing 1.3 million euros for the project "E-flies". Various partners are involved in this test.

The idea of ​​testing drones and other aviation unmanned aerial vehicles at the airfield in Lahr has been going on for quite some time. These plans were mostly ridiculed, but now comes strong tailwind from the Stuttgart Ministry of Economic Affairs. The country wants to provide 1.3 million euros for a project called "E-flies", which is to start in Lahr and Mengen at Sigmaringen. This was announced by Minister of Economic Affairs Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut in Stuttgart.  

- This is planned: A test environment for electric, energy-efficient and autonomous flying should be set up. The fields of application of "e-flying" are versatile. Thus, electrically powered aircraft such as whiz-starters can connect regional airports and relieve the large airports. In addition, airline taxis offer the opportunity to complement and sustainably establish low-emission, intermodal transport concepts. Further areas of application and application range from logistics to observation of nature reserves to the maintenance of hard-to-reach buildings or facilities. Unmanned autonomous flight systems can implement these tasks in a climate-friendly and efficient way. Currently, the main application of autonomous aircraft is in the inspection of infrastructure, informs the Ministry.  

- When do flight taxis start? This is still unclear, report several partners of the new project. In August there will be a press conference on the topic.  

- Can everyone go there? Later maybe, in the short term rather no. The companies want to test new technology first. "In the future, a taxi will be as natural as a smartphone," predicts the entrepreneur and CEO of the Aerospace Forum Baden-Württemberg, Rolf-Jürgen Ahlers.  

- The Minister says: "We have a good starting position in Baden-Württemberg in this important technology of the future, which we intend to further expand on.This project will strengthen the location of Baden-Württemberg and its innovative strength in this important future market - for mobility In the future, electronic, energy-efficient and autonomous flying can be a key element, "said the Minister.  

- The OB says: "I am very satisfied with the development and the location quality of Lahr's airport has proven its worth, and we have been working together with the Aerospace Forum for many years already provides for the use of autonomous flying for Lahr Airport and after a long period of development, this seed can now rise. "

- That says the IGZ boss: Markus Ibert of the start Klahr GmbH advocates the test project, one must go "new ways for the mobility of the future".  

- Partner Thales says: "We are pleased about the new cooperation in Lahr. Our company has a broad base and we can test and further develop many things in the new test field," explains speaker Pitt Marx of Thales in Ditzingen in Swabia. It belongs to the French Thales Group, which earns its living with aviation technology, drones, space technology and air traffic control. The company also develops drones for military use, including in France.
Messages : 768
Enregistré le : jeu. 12 juin 2014, 15:03

Re: Aéroport de Lahr (EDTL/LHA)

Message par 3locations »

La zone industrielle et logistique est déjà en pleine expansion avec notamment le centre de logistique de Zalando qui emploie plus de 1 000 salariés. L'aéroport a déjà été une propriété privée avant un dépôt de bilan et un rachat par la ville de Lahr. La ville a toujours cherché a privatiser l'aéroport.
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Enregistré le : dim. 9 nov. 2008, 20:12

Re: Aéroport de Lahr (EDTL/LHA)

Message par Lolodesbois »

3locations a écrit : ven. 23 août 2019, 11:52 La zone industrielle et logistique est déjà en pleine expansion avec notamment le centre de logistique de Zalando qui emploie plus de 1 000 salariés. L'aéroport a déjà été une propriété privée avant un dépôt de bilan et un rachat par la ville de Lahr. La ville a toujours cherché a privatiser l'aéroport.
En effet mais beaucoup d'investisseurs se sont cassés les dents, comme les australiens de l'époque Black Forest. On entend un peu partout que les chinois veulent racheter ceci ou celà, mais soit ça ne se fait jamais, soit ça capote au bout de quelques temps (ex: aéroport de Toulouse) et oui nos amis communistes aiment les retours sur investissement rapides ....
Messages : 768
Enregistré le : jeu. 12 juin 2014, 15:03

Re: Aéroport de Lahr (EDTL/LHA)

Message par 3locations »

Cet aéroport dispose tout de même d'une piste de 3 000 m, facilement extensible à 3 500 m ,voire 4 000 m sauf forte opposition locale. C'est une bas base pour du fret aérien. Tout est une question de fret, et avec moins de taxes que le Luxembourg (zone franche à valider), cet aéroport a la possibilité de prendre des parts de marché à celui du Luxembourg.
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Messages : 1204
Enregistré le : dim. 9 nov. 2008, 20:12

Re: Aéroport de Lahr (EDTL/LHA)

Message par Lolodesbois »

3locations a écrit : sam. 24 août 2019, 10:57 Cet aéroport dispose tout de même d'une piste de 3 000 m, facilement extensible à 3 500 m ,voire 4 000 m sauf forte opposition locale. C'est une bas base pour du fret aérien. Tout est une question de fret, et avec moins de taxes que le Luxembourg (zone franche à valider), cet aéroport a la possibilité de prendre des parts de marché à celui du Luxembourg.
ça fait 2 décennies que j'entends ce discours ! cette piste n'est plus toute jeune, le matos de radionavigation obsolète. Et justement il y a des riverains bien organisés et très virulents qui ont réussi à tout faire capoter même si ce n'est pas la raison unique de ces échecs
Messages : 136
Enregistré le : mer. 15 oct. 2008, 20:24
Localisation : EDSB

Re: Aéroport de Lahr (EDTL/LHA)

Message par nountchak »

ah ! le célèbre " investisseur chinois " qui fait briller les yeux des édiles locaux outre-Rhin :D demandez aux contribuable allemand ce qu'il pense de la plateforme de Parchim qui devait devenir " le grand hub cargo " vers la Chine ( 30 millions investis en 2007 , faillite en décembre dernier ) ou encore Hahn et son rachat par la société fantôme Shanghai Yiqian Trading pour 17 millions ( sous perfusion d'aide des lands Rheinland Pfalz et Hessen puis revendu à Hna Group pour des cacahouètes depuis )

Lahr , plateforme logistique pour camions / trains ; why not , le potentiel en surface constructible est maouss ! par contre pour l'aérien il n'y aura jamais le feu vert des politiques ( les vrais , les décideurs du Bad Wurtemberg , pas le maire de Lahr et un sous secrétaire au transport du Regierungspräsidium ;) )

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